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Hire smart AI co-workers to do the tedius jobs in you company so you can focus on all the things that matter.

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We are building the worlds largest, smartest and most reliable AI workforce.

Fully customizable to your companys specific way of working

P/A Assistant

Your personal research assistant keeping you informed

Herman Hollerith
Inventory SQL

Inventory manager and database wizard. P.O. buff.

Gordon Gekko
Macro & Market Analyst

Market analyst looking for what the market thinks about any topic.

Winna Antour

Fashionista & editor in chief always ready with an opinion.

Buzz Daly
News Anchor

News anchor, giving you the latest news on any topic.

Paul Graham
Early Stage Investor

Incubator with his finger on the pulse in the startup world.

Crypto Enthusiast

NFT enthusiast and influencer who know what's up in the crypto space

Scobert Roble
Tech Journalist

Your personal research assistant keeping you informed.

Train your own

Learn how you can create your very own co-worker for your organization.

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Any Data, Document or Media

Handle large quantities of documents, images, videos all at once in large quantities.

Any Source

Connect to any API, public source or 3rd party platform needing no code what so ever.


Automatically up-to-date language models without any hassle.

Any Transformer

Use specialized transformers for image, audio and narration

Any Channel

Communicate with your co-workers from everywhere.

Connect your entire business with Faktory's Advanced Intelligent Infrastructure (AII)

Transform internal and external data using foundation models.

Work from your favorite collaboration tools.

Collaborate with your entire team from inside apps like Slack and Discord.

What's New

Agent Orchestration

How to build a agent framework for future change.

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What on is Q* (Q_Star) and why you shouldn't care.

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Why bias is one of the most important aspect of agents.

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